Peace with Creation - Paix avec la création - Paz con la creación

Peace with Creation - Paix avec la création - Paz con la creación

Season of Creation 2025 Theme Presentation - Peace with Creation.                             Français & Español - ver abajo Isaiah 32:14-18 "For the palace will be forsaken, the populous city deserted; the hill and the watchtower will become dens forever, the joy of wild asses, a pasture for flocks. Until a spirit from on high is poured out on us, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest. Then justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness abide in the fruitful field. The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness, and tr...

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Hope does not disappoint / L'espoir ne déçoit pas

Hope does not disappoint / L'espoir ne déçoit pas

A Reflection: Spes Non Confundit           Traduction française ci-dessous Fr. Hermes Bajao Sabud, SM Inspired by: The presentations during the gathering, seminar-workshop of Priests, Religious and Lay Leaders Led by: Bishop Paolo Trairong Muntree Diocese of Suratthani, Thailand 12 - 14 February 2025 As I reflected on the different presentations during this seminar, I couldn't help but think of our brothers and sisters who are suffering right now. The people in Myanmar, who are suffering from the cruelty of the political turmoil in the country, are right in front of our eyes. The vulnerable people in the Middle East are living in fear and struggling to survive d...

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Marist Mission Workshop 2024 / Atelier Mission Mariste 2024

Marist Mission Workshop (MMW), Thailand (2024)                                                   Traduction française ci-dessous Inter Religious Inter Cultural Dialogue: Diversity Enriches Community :   Bro. Rubel Raphael Nokrek, fms "Peace in One's Heart Starts in One's Hands," said one of the Buddhist Monks. It was a wonderful experience for me to participate the Marist Mission Workshop (MMW) in Ranong, Thailand last month from Sep. 04- Sep. 27, 2024. The program was organized by the Marist Fathers who is known as the 'Society of Mary (SM)' with the pu...

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                                                                                                                                                 Traduction française ci-dessous On the 8th November, 2024 I attended an Interreligious seminar on Safeguarding and Ecological Conversion (Laudato Si) at the Fatima Rani Church, Bag...

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Appel pour la paix en Terre Sainte / Appeal for Peace in the Holy Land

Appel pour la paix en Terre Sainte / Appeal for Peace in the Holy Land

Appel pour la paix en Terre sainte de 200 chrétiens européens de toutes confessions           English Translation: see below "Au cours de l'année écoulée, nous avons été témoins de l'escalade tragique d'une grave crise humanitaire qui continue d'affecter d'innombrables vies. Le 7 octobre 2023, plus d'un millier d'Israéliens ont été tués lors d'une attaque menée par des factions dirigées par le Hamas, et plus de 250 personnes ont été prises en otages. En réponse, Israël a lancé une opération militaire qui a fait de nombreuses victimes, avec près de 42 000 morts à Gaza. Les deux communautés souffrent profondément. La crise humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza s'...

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Kiwi Marists reflect on "wicked problems" / Les Maristes Kiwis réfléchissent aux « épineux problèmes »

Kiwi Marists reflect - Les Maristes Kiwis réfléchissent

SMNZ JPIE Hui November, Pukekaraka 2024 Recently a small group of Marists gathered at Pukekaraka marae, Ōtaki, Aotearoa/New Zealand. We are the Justice, Peace and Integral Ecology group for the SMNZ Province. We share a common concern for all the "wicked problems" that exist in our world today ie., war, inequality, the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, pollution, populist-authoritarian leaders, racism, colonization, sexism, ageism, housing, drug abuse etc. We are an ordinary bunch of Kiwi men with many years of ministry in various fields, overseas and here in Aotearoa. We reflected, prayed and ate together at Pukekaraka, our Marist Marian Shrine. We reflected on this period that many ...

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Marist Interreligious & Intercultural Workshop / Atelier Mariste Interreligieux et Interculturel

Marist Interreligious & Intercultural Workshop / Atelier Mariste Interreligieux et Interculturel

MARIST MISSION WORKSHOP   ON INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE     Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Fr. Hermes Sabud, SM             4 – 28 September 2024 Ranong, Thailand Goal: "Enkindle missionaries' passion for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue" (IRICD) Specific Objectives of the Marist Mission Workshop (MMW) 2024 in the context of IRICD Be competent and capable missionaries in today's diverse world.Collaborate with and strengthen the bonds among religious missionaries.Integrate our past experiences and our future hopes as religious missionaries. The Marist Mission Workshop 2024 on Interreligious and Intercu...

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Interfaith - Saigon - Marist influence / Interconfessionnel - Saigon - Influence mariste

Interfaith - Saigon - Marist influence / Interconfessionnel - Saigon - Influence mariste

INTERFAITH DIALOGUE AND SELF-DIALOGUE                                            Traduction française - voir ci-dessous (Sr Maria) Minh Tien, RNDM The 14th Interfaith Reunion, hosted by the Archdiocese of Saigon on Sunday, October 27, 2024, was a vibrant gathering that brought together a rich tapestry of diverse religious representatives. The inclusive event included participants from Baha'i, Cao Dai, Islam, Minh Ly, Buddhism, Hoa Hao Buddhism, and Catholicism. The theme, 'Dialogue Connecting People,' served as a unifying thread, weaving through the well-set program, divided int...

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Climate Change-Oceania-Bishops Statement - Part 2 / Changement climatique-Océanie-Déclaration des évêques - Partie 2

Fiji-times-daily-reality / Fidji-times-daily-réalité

Oceania Catholic Bishops Key Statements      -            Traduction française ci-dessous Fossil Fuel Root Cause of Climate Change The Oceania Catholic Bishops concur with science by reminding the world that fossil fuel is the key driver of climate change. Fossil fuels causes carbon emission which in turn contributes to global warming. Global warming melts the ice and causes sea level rise. The root cause of climate change is fossil fuels. Therefore, the Oceania Bishops strongly say NO TO FOSSIL FUEL. The solution is to seek alternative sources of power. Weak Commitments Towards the Paris Agreement The Oc...

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Marist Atlanta - Abrahamic Faith Programs -Programmes de foi abrahamique

Marist Atlanta - Abrahamic Faith Programs /

Marist School Launches Bearing Witness Institute for Interreligious and Ecumenical Dialogue      Traduction française ci-dessous Sep 30 2024 8:00 AM                                                                                                Marist School Atlanta has launched the Bearing Witness Institute for Interreligious and Ecumenical Dialogue, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering mutual understanding, collaboration, and...

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1000 Abrahamic Circles: 1000 cercles abrahamiques

1000 Abrahamic Circles - 1000 cercles abrahamiques

1000 Abrahamic Circles:                                                                         traduction française ci-dessous In 2012, during Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal's tenure as Indonesian Ambassador to the United States, he assembled a group of Indonesian and American religious leaders to embark on an "Abrahamic peace mission" -- from Jakarta, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Washington DC. This joint delegation consisted of Islamic clerics, Christian priests and Jewish rabbis (there were no Jewish Rabbi...

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Prasit - Partner of John Larsen in Ranong / Prasit - partenaire de John Larsen à Ranong

Prasit - Partner of John Larsen in Ranong / Prasit - partenaire de John Larsen à Ranong

                                                                                                                                                          Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Many people - government officials who know me, priests and funders who support our program – ask a simple question: ...

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A Feast for the Mystery of Creation - Un festin pour le mystère de la création

A Feast for the Mystery of Creation - Un festin pour le mystère de la création -

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                           Traduction française - voir ci-dessous A global ecumenical process is underway for various Christian churches to jointly elevate Creation Day (September 1), also known as the World Day of Prayer for Creation, to become a liturgical feast. A working group co-convened by the UISG-USG JPIC commission, Laudato Si' Movement, and Laudato Si' Research Institute is coordinating the participation of Catholic organizations and congregations in the process. Below is some background on the proposed feast, as well as invitations for your...

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Palestinians: A Struggle for Survival in a World Turned Away. - Palestiniens : Une lutte pour la survie dans un monde refoulé

Prayers 4 Peace - Palestinians: A Struggle for Survival in a World Turned Away / Prières 4 Paix - Palestiniens : Une lutte pour la survie dans un monde refoulé

Prayers4Peace - Palestinians: A Struggle for Survival in a World Turned Away        Traduction française ci-dessous By: Rifat Kassis The Palestinian people, like many nations throughout history—Americans under British rule, the French during Nazi occupation, Indians under British imperialism, Algiers under French occupation, and others—find themselves under the iron grip of ruthless military occupation. Israel, the occupying power, imposes a regime of oppression and apartheid that denies Palestinians all their fundamental rights, among them to live in dignity and freedom. For decades, Palestinians have employed every method in their pursuit of liberation. They have t...

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Marist Mission Workshop - one Sister's Story / Atelier Mission Mariste - L'histoire d'une sœur

A Missionary Sister's Story - L'histoire d'une sœur missionnaire

My Mission Experience                          Traduction française - voir ci-dessous I am Sr Suporna Bernadette Rozario from Bangladesh. I did my Postulancy in Sydney, Australia and novitiate in Auckland, New Zealand. I made my first profession on 18th January 2000 in New Zealand. Over the 25 years I have been missionary in many countries and learned to appreciate my vocation as Marist Missionary Sister. I Thank God and Mary for her Gracious Choice and all who have been part of my missionary journey. My First Mission Experience Straight after my first profession, I was sent to Fiji to study Theology at the Pacific Re...

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Reconciliation-Peace-Interreligious Dialogue / Réconciliation-Paix-Dialogue interreligieux

Reconciliation-Peace-Interreligious Dialogue / Réconciliation-Paix-Dialogue interreligieux

Reconciliation: A Path to Peace in Interreligious Dialogue        -     pour la traduction française, voir ci-dessous -  Hermes Sabud, SM, Program coordinator, Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (IRICD) Program of the Marist Asia Foundation, Ranong, Thailand Interreligious dialogue is a collaborative approach to life where people from diverse religious faith traditions respectfully establish connections and build friendships. When people begin to establish friendships, trust is gradually initiated and nurtured. As relationships develop, we become aware of the uniqueness of the other. There are times when it is difficult to accept and appreciate ...

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Marist Reconciliation - Creation : Réconciliation Mariste - Création

Christina DeMichele - Icon of Creation / Christina DeMichele - Icône de la création

Broadening Our Marist Mission of Reconciliation to Creation                -         Version française ci-dessous by Samu Tukidia, SM, Formator, Marist College Suva, Fiji and Lecturer in Philosophy, Pacific Regional Seminary, Suva, Fiji We live in an era of brokenness and fragmentation both within the human environment and natural environment. Violence in its many forms dominates our headlines. How do we as Marists respond to such times? Fr. John Larsen, SM, the Superior General of the Society of Mary, once noted that as Marists we are called to be "bridge-builders, instruments of reconciliation, (and) bearers of the Good ...

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The Feast of Creation - ideas to celebrate it. / La Fête de la Création – des idées pour la célébrer

Feast-of-Creation 2024 / La Fête de la Création - 2024

This year, 2024, September 1 falls on a Sunday. Here are some ideas to celebrate it – you can pick one or a combination. (See also more context about the feast below.) Before, or after, the Sunday Eucharist: (Could be tied to your Sunday service, immediately before or after, or could be done ecumenically at another time that day) ●  Invite your community to ponder this great mystery by praying the "Via Creationis" (or "Way of Creation", inspired by the Via Crucis format). ●  Pray the Vespers service (evening prayer) of the Orthodox Church for September 1. ●  Organize a Creation-themed prayer for your community using resources such as those of the Season of Creat...

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Synod on Synodality - USG-UISG Contribution: Synode sur la synodalité - Contribution USG-UISG :

UISG - USG Document: Contributions for the Synod on the Synodality In a significant move towards shaping the future of the Catholic Church, the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) and the Union of Superiors General (USG) have released their 2024 contribution to the ongoing discussion on "How To Be A Church In Mission?" This collaborative effort responds to questions posed by the General Secretariat of the Synod on March 14, 2024, reflecting a global perspective from religious leaders worldwide. The contribution synthesizes responses from UISG and USG members across the globe, organized into five key themes: - Co-Responsibility for Mission; - Authority, Governance and Participatio...

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Pentecost to Trinity - LSi week Resources / Pentecôte à la Trinité - Semaine LSi Ressources

Pentecost to Trinity - LSi week Resources / Pentecôte à la Trinité - Semaine LSi Ressources

Dear confreres and friends Laudato Si' Week "Seeds of Hope", started on May 19, Pentecost Sunday, and closes on May 26, Holy Trinity Sunday. This year the Laudato Si Movement are proposing different themes and actions for each day of the week, ways to put it into practice, its importance and impact on our planet. Please, find the celebration guide at the following links and share within your network: link in Spanish link in English link in French link in Italian link in Portuguese Also consider that in the "resources" section it is possible to download the social media kit for a better promotion (including the logo). Chers confrères et amis, la Semaine Laudato Si' « Semences d'espérance », a...

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