Marists and the JPIC Rome Commission - Les Maristes et la Commission JPIC Rome

Lauro da Silva sm - amidst the 70+ other Representatives / Lauro da Silva sm - parmi plus de 70 autres représentants

On May 11, 2024, I, Lauro da Silva Ferreira, at the request of the Assistant General Father Ben McKenna, I joined the Meeting of the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation – JPIC Roma, of the USG [Union of Superiors General-men]/UISG [International Union of Superiors General – women]. The meeting took place at: Piazza di Ponte Sant'Angelo. Pour la traduction française voir ci-dessous The first factor that struck me was the number of participants. Representatives from more than seventy different religious congregations. The vast majority were first-time members of the commission. For this reason, I believe, the meeting took place with an introductory bias, in the sense of pre...

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Spirituality and Consciousness: Spiritualité et Conscience : Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ [Part 2]

Big-Bang : 13.8 Billion Years Ago / il y a 13,8 milliards d'années

Fr Ted Keating - USA Marist - continues to give us the main points of a recent Recollection Day: on Spirituality and Consciousness: Spirituality and Consciousness: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ                          Traduction française - voir ci-dessous (Talking points from PowerPoint presentation by Ted Keating, SM) Human Consciousness and the Incarnation •Genesis says that after the creation of the natural world, Adam and Eve were created by God by blowing His breath into their nostrils giving them life out of the very breath of God. (Spirit) •They were also created in the image and likeness of God making it po...

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Spirituality and Consciousness: Spiritualité et Conscience : Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ [Part 1]

Spirituality and Consciousness: Spiritualité et Conscience

Fr Ted Keating - USA Marist - gives us the main points of a recent Recollection Day: on Spirituality and Consciousness:  Spirituality and Consciousness: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ              Traduction française - voir ci-dessous (Talking points from PowerPoint presentation by Ted Keating, SM) Consciousness    •What you are sitting in here and using today. •No good definitions because we would have to use what we are trying to examine in examining it—consciousness. •This is a new inquiry and analysis for humanity likely touching into a new evolution of consciousness itself while we are reflecting on it. •Comparison to the Axial Age...

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Cultivating Sustainability - Marist Education / Cultiver la durabilité - Éducation Mariste

Cultivating Sustainability - Marist Education / Cultiver la durabilité - Éducation Mariste

Title: Cultivating Sustainability: A Visit to Bishop O'Dowd Catholic School In January, I traveled with my colleague, Mike Burns, to explore the thriving culture of sustainability at Bishop O'Dowd Catholic School in Oakland, CA. With our President of Marist School Atlanta, J.D. Childs, having come from Bishop O'Dowd and spoken highly of their sustainability initiatives, we sought to learn how they have built an ingrained culture of sustainability. Our first stop was the Bishop O'Dowd Center for Environmental Studies, a LEED Platinum Certified Building that serves as the epicenter of their environmental science and engineering program. The seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces was...

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Pentecost to Trinity - LSi week Resources / Pentecôte à la Trinité - Semaine LSi Ressources

Pentecost to Trinity - LSi week Resources / Pentecôte à la Trinité - Semaine LSi Ressources

Dear confreres and friends Laudato Si' Week "Seeds of Hope", started on May 19, Pentecost Sunday, and closes on May 26, Holy Trinity Sunday. This year the Laudato Si Movement are proposing different themes and actions for each day of the week, ways to put it into practice, its importance and impact on our planet. Please, find the celebration guide at the following links and share within your network: link in Spanish link in English link in French link in Italian link in Portuguese Also consider that in the "resources" section it is possible to download the social media kit for a better promotion (including the logo). Chers confrères et amis, la Semaine Laudato Si' « Semences d'espérance », a...

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A Journey into the Heart of the Amazon / Un voyage au cœur de l'Amazonie

A Journey into the heart of the Amazon - Un voyage au cœur de l'Amazonie

Fr Paddy O'Neil, Kiwi Marist based in Brazil, writes:                                        Traduction française - voir ci-dessous : Recently I had the opportunity of visiting Tabatinga, a town on the Rio Solimõesin the remote Amazon region where Brazil, Peru and Colombia meet. Arriving in Tabatinga one late afternoon I was warmly welcomed by members of the International Community of the Marist Brothers, which at the moment consists of Brother Luke Fong, FMS from Fiji and three lay volunteers: a married couple (Marcio from Brazil and Laura from Mexico) and Alessandra from Guatemala. They run ...

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Like Mary, Bearers of Hope / Comme Marie, porteurs d’espoir

Like-Mary-Bearers-of-Hope / Comme Marie, porteurs d’espoir

This week's blog is Chapter 2- Communities for Mission, from Fr John Larsen's recently released Letter to the Society of Mary: Like Mary, Bearers of Hope.         Pour la version française - voir ci-dessous.        Nazareth From our first beginnings Nazareth has always been an important symbol for us as Marists. For Father Jean-Claude: "Our spirit, the spirit of the Society … I personally find it in all its fulness in the house at Nazareth" (F.S. 188, 12) Nazareth speaks of a small village where people grew together in faith together with Mary, Joseph and their son. It was far from the centres of power, whether Jerusalem or Rome or elsewhere,...

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A Climate-of-Fear / Un climat de peur

A Climate-of-Fear / Un climat de peur

Tim Duckworth: Climate of Fear - In Korero, April 2, 2024. New Zealand Marist Bulletin It is very easy to push away ideas that we do not like or we do not welcome. It is easy to say – I'm not the cause of these problems, I'm not badly affected by them, I'm going to ignore these problems because they are unlikely to have a huge effect in my life. One of the most important issues that confronts us today is the effect of environmental degradation. Those issues are identified quite clearly in Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si'. Laudato Si' identifies these major areas of concern related to the environment: pollution, climate change, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity, and global inequality....

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Deep Time -Adaptation - Transformation / Temps profond - adaptation - transformation

Earth Day - image from UN website / Jour de la Terre - image du site Web de l'ONU

Deep Time - Deep Adaptation - Deep Transformation    :    Peter Healy SM  Temps profond, adaptation profonde et transformation profonde  :  Peter Healy SM  :  Traduction française ci-dessous The following is a Summary of a Presentation given by Peter Healy, Kiwi Marist, to our Ecology Commission on 20th March 2024. Peter spoke, in the summer months, to a Gathering of Young Activists for social and political change. They were not specifically Catholic, or Christian. He felt privileged to be called to speak – as he is called to do by their organizers each year. He spoke of Deep Time and Deep Adaptation – using as a Visual a painting he has...

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Tutu - Fiji - Seedlings for Life / Tutu - Fiji - Piantine per la vita

Marist Tutu - Seedlings for the People / Tutu Mariste - Des semis pour le peuple

NEW TUTU NURSERY TO ASSIST IN GROWING AGRICULTURE IN THE GARDEN ISLAND            Traduction française ci-dessous #StrengtheningPartnerships   Tutu Rural Training Centre in Taveuni reached another milestone recently, as their new state of the art nursery was commissioned by the Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Waterways, Honourable Tomasi Tunabuna on Thursday 21st March. "The opening of this nursery was only made possible through collaboration between British American Tobacco (BAT) and Tutu Rural Training Centre. The nursery will provide fruits and vegetable seedlings to around 100 farmers based here in the Garden Island of Taveuni," said Hon. Tu...

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Easter - Eucharistic People / Pâques - Peuple eucharistique

Easter - Eucharistic People / Pâques - Peuple eucharistique

CALLED TO BE EUCHARISTIC PEOPLE                                               Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Our world has plunged into a frightening darkness. LIGHT has diminished, almost extinguished. The threat of evil hovers large today, in the suffering and horror of wars: in the cries of the women, The bewilderment of the children, The hunger and exhaustion of the elderly, The helplessness and powerlessness of the innocent and suffering. The list is endless, Yet, in the midst of this God reminds us- He is alive. He LIVES in me. He LIVES in you. He LIVES in me ...

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ECOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION: Testimony and Invitation TRANSFORMATION ÉCOLOGIQUE - Témoignage et Invitation

Ecological Transformation

by Nik Rodewald, Theology Teacher and Campus Minister, Marist School, Atlanta, Georgia         Traduction française ci-dessous Over the last few years, in response to Pope Francis's encyclical, Laudato Si', I have been on a journey to a more authentic ecological conversion. The article that follows is a musing on the concrete steps that journey has taken, and an invitation for you, dear reader, to consider your own journey into God. Awareness and Action God is always at work trying to "do a new thing" (Isaiah 43:19). Yet for this "new thing" to come to completion, I must learn to discern how God's Spirit is moving, stirring me away from my old ways and tired habits, ...

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Economic-Justice / Justice économique – Partie 3 sur 3

Changing How Economy Works                                                                Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Capitalist economy, especially in its neoliberal, financial version, is ecologically and socially unsustainable, and it is the main driver of the poly-crisis we are today experiencing. Therefore, we need to change how the economy works. This will take a social transformation, that is, a systemic change that transforms both socio- economic structures and the worldview that underpins them. Having understood th...

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Economic Justice - Justice économique - Part 2 of 3

Economic-Justice - Justice économique - Part 2 of 3

Social implications of Economic Justice                            Traduction française - voir ci-dessous With the end of the bipolar system (Western capitalist world Vs Eastern communist system) Trans National Corporations (TNCs) pushed for a globalization of markets, seeking an expansion that could secure growth. Having reached the limits to growth within the Western consumer market, they needed to expand it. That meant pushing to turn the world into a global, single market – without any barriers of sorts – a single, interconnected financial marketplace, and a unified production system. However, they soon realized that s...

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Fossil Fuels Treaty - Traité sur les combustibles fossiles

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty                                                            Version française - voir ci-dessous The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative is a civil society campaign to create a treaty to stop fossil fuel exploration and expansion and phase-out existing production. This Treaty is in line with the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, and supports a just transition to renewable energy. The Treaty has been endorsed by the Vatican, the World Health Organization, the European Parliament, many Pacific ...

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Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology - English

On-line Course on Integral Ecology From Laudato Si' to Laudate Deum An Initiative of the Alliance for the Care of Our Common Home (Pontifical Universities & Atheneums of Rome) In 2015 Pope Francis gifted us Laudato Si', the landmark encyclical letter on the care for our common home, in which he invited all people of good will to "a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet" (LS, 14). However, as Pope Francis recognizes in Laudate Deum, the apostolic exhortation published on 4th October 2023 - on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron of ecology, "our responses have not been adequate" and "the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the b...

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Engaging with a World on Fire / S'engager dans un monde en feu

Engaging with a World on Fire / S'engager dans un monde en feu

Fr Richard Rohr OFM, presents on the Centre for Action and Contemplation , 4 key issues that call for us to be engaged in this year, 2024: He draws on Brian McLaren's work: Everything must Change .  McLaren presents 4 Crises: Planet, Poverty, Peace, and Religion.  McLaren Writes Way back in 2007, I wrote a book called Everything Must Change. I wanted to understand what our greatest challenges and threats and problems were here on Earth as a global civilization. I spent a year researching the literature of global crises, and I came away with an understanding of four deep problems that we face. First, we face a crisis with our planet. We are literally destroying our life su...

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Climate Change-impact on World's Poor / L'impact du changement climatique sur les pauvres du monde

Children collecting Water-Afghanistan-Enfants collectant de l'eau-Afghanistan Vat-News-13-Nov-2023 /

A Broader View of the Impacts of Climate Change on the World's Poor by Ted Keating, SM                                                                                                 Traduction française - voir ci-dessous When our Editorial Committee met to plan this issue of Today's Marists, we were embedded in the tragic news of a world on fire (western part of the United States, Canada, Greece, along with several other nations); massive, deadly flo...

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Global Faith Leaders - COP28 / Leaders religieux mondiaux - COP28

Global Faith Leaders at COP28 / Leaders religieux mondiaux à la COP28

COP28 is the first COP to have a Faith Pavilion, found at La COP28 est la première COP à disposer d'un pavillon de la foi à GLOBAL FAITH LEADERS UNITE TO DECLARE SUPPORT      Traduction française - voir ci-dessous – 28 high-level faith leaders from over 19 faiths and denominations unite to sign a statement seeking urgent climate action ahead of COP28. – The document, signed at the Global Faith Leaders' Summit on 6/7 November in Abu Dhabi, shows commitment from faith groups across the world to take swift and decisive action to address the climate emergency. – At COP28, the first-ever Faith Pavilion will b...

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Trees and Sacred Sites / Arbres et sites sacrés

Tree planting on the sacred site of Pukekaraka Ōtaki.                                        [Traduction française - voir ci-dessous] Mahi whakatō rākau i te wāhi tapu o Pukekaraka. The Season of Creation is a good time to plant trees and engage with the theme of letting justice and peace flow. We are in tune with the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar. Tangaroa ā-roto is the last quarter of the moon, and it's the right time to get work done! Ko te mauri he mea huna ki te ngāherehere /The mauri is hidden in the forest, this wisdom inspires our mahi. We are present to the life force of t...

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