A Journey into the Heart of the Amazon / Un voyage au cœur de l'Amazonie

A Journey into the heart of the Amazon - Un voyage au cœur de l'Amazonie

Fr Paddy O'Neil, Kiwi Marist based in Brazil, writes:                                        Traduction française - voir ci-dessous : Recently I had the opportunity of visiting Tabatinga, a town on the Rio Solimõesin the remote Amazon region where Brazil, Peru and Colombia meet. Arriving in Tabatinga one late afternoon I was warmly welcomed by members of the International Community of the Marist Brothers, which at the moment consists of Brother Luke Fong, FMS from Fiji and three lay volunteers: a married couple (Marcio from Brazil and Laura from Mexico) and Alessandra from Guatemala. They run ...

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Like Mary, Bearers of Hope / Comme Marie, porteurs d’espoir

Like-Mary-Bearers-of-Hope / Comme Marie, porteurs d’espoir

This week's blog is Chapter 2- Communities for Mission, from Fr John Larsen's recently released Letter to the Society of Mary: Like Mary, Bearers of Hope.         Pour la version française - voir ci-dessous.        Nazareth From our first beginnings Nazareth has always been an important symbol for us as Marists. For Father Jean-Claude: "Our spirit, the spirit of the Society … I personally find it in all its fulness in the house at Nazareth" (F.S. 188, 12) Nazareth speaks of a small village where people grew together in faith together with Mary, Joseph and their son. It was far from the centres of power, whether Jerusalem or Rome or elsewhere,...

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Tutu - Fiji - Seedlings for Life / Tutu - Fiji - Piantine per la vita

Marist Tutu - Seedlings for the People / Tutu Mariste - Des semis pour le peuple

NEW TUTU NURSERY TO ASSIST IN GROWING AGRICULTURE IN THE GARDEN ISLAND            Traduction française ci-dessous #StrengtheningPartnerships   Tutu Rural Training Centre in Taveuni reached another milestone recently, as their new state of the art nursery was commissioned by the Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Waterways, Honourable Tomasi Tunabuna on Thursday 21st March. "The opening of this nursery was only made possible through collaboration between British American Tobacco (BAT) and Tutu Rural Training Centre. The nursery will provide fruits and vegetable seedlings to around 100 farmers based here in the Garden Island of Taveuni," said Hon. Tu...

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Consolation - Bambili, Africa / Afrique

Consolation - Bambili, Africa / Afrique

OUR LADY OF CONSOLATION CENTER – BAMBILI, CAMEROON, AFRICA CENTRE NOTRE DAME DE LA CONSOLATION - BAMBILI, CAMEROUN, AFRIQUE -   Voir ci-dessous Our Lady of Consolation Center (OLCC) for Children and Persons Living with Special Needs Bambili is a daycare center supported by the Marist Fathers of the Society of Mary. It has been serving the community for 17 years. Located in Bambili, Tubah subdivision some 14km from Bamenda town. It cares for 30 children, 17 of them are girls while 13 are boys with a dedicated staff of 4 including a physiotherapist, social worker, driver, and a steward. With these, the objectives are to gather children living with disabilities and make them feel like...

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Easter - Eucharistic People / Pâques - Peuple eucharistique

Easter - Eucharistic People / Pâques - Peuple eucharistique

CALLED TO BE EUCHARISTIC PEOPLE                                               Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Our world has plunged into a frightening darkness. LIGHT has diminished, almost extinguished. The threat of evil hovers large today, in the suffering and horror of wars: in the cries of the women, The bewilderment of the children, The hunger and exhaustion of the elderly, The helplessness and powerlessness of the innocent and suffering. The list is endless, Yet, in the midst of this God reminds us- He is alive. He LIVES in me. He LIVES in you. He LIVES in me ...

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Against Human Trafficking / Contre la traite des êtres humains

One of the most serious violations of justice is slavery. An International Day of Prayer and Awareness was instituted on February 8, the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese girl who was sold into slavery in the 19th century and later became a nun. This is an opportunity to recall the importance of these crimes, which often remain in the shadows, and which States rarely pursue. Organizations like Talitha Kum are constantly fighting against slavery and human trafficking, and they ask for our prayers and support. https://preghieracontrotratta.org "Journeying in Dignity": Listen, Dream, Act is the theme of the X° International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, celebra...

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Synodality - inherently Marist / Synodalité - intrinsèquement mariste

Synodality - inherently Marist / Synodalité - intrinsèquement mariste

A quick look at our Constitutions SM enables us to see that we are inherently Synodal.  156: All Marists imitate Mary's delicate responsiveness to the promptings of the Spirit and to the needs of God's People.  158: those who exercise authority develop a network of interchange and solidarity to promote unity for mission. 160: this mission requires structures of consultation and participation at the local, provincial, and general levels. 161: unity in the Society and effective action require that its members be consulted and participate in decision making. As good stewards of the Gospel we bring out of our treasury things both old and new: the 'old' treasures in our Constitutions ca...

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Economic-Justice / Justice économique – Partie 3 sur 3

Changing How Economy Works                                                                Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Capitalist economy, especially in its neoliberal, financial version, is ecologically and socially unsustainable, and it is the main driver of the poly-crisis we are today experiencing. Therefore, we need to change how the economy works. This will take a social transformation, that is, a systemic change that transforms both socio- economic structures and the worldview that underpins them. Having understood th...

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Economic Justice - Justice économique - Part 2 of 3

Economic-Justice - Justice économique - Part 2 of 3

Social implications of Economic Justice                            Traduction française - voir ci-dessous With the end of the bipolar system (Western capitalist world Vs Eastern communist system) Trans National Corporations (TNCs) pushed for a globalization of markets, seeking an expansion that could secure growth. Having reached the limits to growth within the Western consumer market, they needed to expand it. That meant pushing to turn the world into a global, single market – without any barriers of sorts – a single, interconnected financial marketplace, and a unified production system. However, they soon realized that s...

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Economic Justice - Justice économique - Part 1 of 3

Economic Justice - Justice économique

Economic Justice as a Priority for the Global South     Bro. Alberto Parise MCCJ     Rome, 23rd January 2024 La justice économique, une priorité pour le Sud            voir ci-dessous pour la traduction  The State of the World's Economy The recently published UN report on the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2023, presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, portrays that we are in the middle of a "polycrisis". In fact, the report states that a series of severe and mutually reinforcing shocks struck the world economy in 2022: a. the impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic still reverberating worldwide,b. the war in Ukraine (a...

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Fossil Fuels Treaty - Traité sur les combustibles fossiles

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty                                                            Version française - voir ci-dessous The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative is a civil society campaign to create a treaty to stop fossil fuel exploration and expansion and phase-out existing production. This Treaty is in line with the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, and supports a just transition to renewable energy. The Treaty has been endorsed by the Vatican, the World Health Organization, the European Parliament, many Pacific ...

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Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology - English

On-line Course on Integral Ecology From Laudato Si' to Laudate Deum An Initiative of the Alliance for the Care of Our Common Home (Pontifical Universities & Atheneums of Rome) In 2015 Pope Francis gifted us Laudato Si', the landmark encyclical letter on the care for our common home, in which he invited all people of good will to "a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet" (LS, 14). However, as Pope Francis recognizes in Laudate Deum, the apostolic exhortation published on 4th October 2023 - on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron of ecology, "our responses have not been adequate" and "the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the b...

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Engaging with a World on Fire / S'engager dans un monde en feu

Engaging with a World on Fire / S'engager dans un monde en feu

Fr Richard Rohr OFM, presents on the Centre for Action and Contemplation , 4 key issues that call for us to be engaged in this year, 2024: He draws on Brian McLaren's work: Everything must Change .  McLaren presents 4 Crises: Planet, Poverty, Peace, and Religion.  McLaren Writes Way back in 2007, I wrote a book called Everything Must Change. I wanted to understand what our greatest challenges and threats and problems were here on Earth as a global civilization. I spent a year researching the literature of global crises, and I came away with an understanding of four deep problems that we face. First, we face a crisis with our planet. We are literally destroying our life su...

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Epiphany-the search for Peace / Epiphanie-la recherche de la paix

Epiphany-the search for Peace / Epiphanie-la recherche de la paix

The three Magi from the East brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to those gathered around the new-born child in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph among them. (Matt. 2) However, the beautiful story of the Epiphany suggests that these same travelers from the East bring other gifts, too, both to those in Bethlehem and also to us. These other gifts of the wise, then and now, are channels of peace and reconciliation within a very violent world. The Epiphany speaks to hearts in every age that long for peace and reconciliation in the midst of war, injustice and violence. We are so familiar with the Christmas scene that the magi seem to fit in there very naturally. In reality, they were strangers...

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Climate Change-impact on World's Poor / L'impact du changement climatique sur les pauvres du monde

Children collecting Water-Afghanistan-Enfants collectant de l'eau-Afghanistan Vat-News-13-Nov-2023 /

A Broader View of the Impacts of Climate Change on the World's Poor by Ted Keating, SM                                                                                                 Traduction française - voir ci-dessous When our Editorial Committee met to plan this issue of Today's Marists, we were embedded in the tragic news of a world on fire (western part of the United States, Canada, Greece, along with several other nations); massive, deadly flo...

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Global Faith Leaders - COP28 / Leaders religieux mondiaux - COP28

Global Faith Leaders at COP28 / Leaders religieux mondiaux à la COP28

COP28 is the first COP to have a Faith Pavilion, found at  https://faithatcop28.com/ La COP28 est la première COP à disposer d'un pavillon de la foi à  https://faithatcop28.com/ GLOBAL FAITH LEADERS UNITE TO DECLARE SUPPORT      Traduction française - voir ci-dessous – 28 high-level faith leaders from over 19 faiths and denominations unite to sign a statement seeking urgent climate action ahead of COP28. – The document, signed at the Global Faith Leaders' Summit on 6/7 November in Abu Dhabi, shows commitment from faith groups across the world to take swift and decisive action to address the climate emergency. – At COP28, the first-ever Faith Pavilion will b...

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A Eucharistic Life / Une vie eucharistique

Francis-Holy Thursday-Eucharist for Prisoners / François-Jeudi Saint-Eucharistie pour les prisonniers /

Recently I gave a retreat for the clergy of the Sydney Archdiocese. The theme was the Eucharist. I wish to share with you some extracts from the final conference of the retreat: A Eucharistic Life. For us religious and priests an integral part in our lives is the regular celebration the Eucharist. Within the rite of ordination of priests, at the time of the preparation of the gifts, the bishop hands over the bread and wine and says: receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do and imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of Christ's cross. This instruction can be taken on board by all of us. The Eucharist can give form to our l...

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Education for Hispanic Immigrants / Éducation pour les immigrants hispaniques

Students-Centro Hispano Marista / Étudiants-Centro Hispano Marista

Concluding the fall semester:   [Traduction française - voir ci-dessous] As the fall semester comes to an end at Centro Hispano Marista, Marist School Atlanta - Georgia, there is a palpable sense of accomplishment and growth among the students. The soon-to-be graduates echo their hard work and determination as learners and reflect on the challenges they've overcome and the knowledge they've gained. Teachers and students alike take pride in the progress made during these few months, celebrating not only academic achievements but also personal victories. We look forward to celebrating many GEDs passed and our upcoming 2023 Graduation Ceremony this December. For those students returni...

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Marist Mission Studies 2023 / Études missionnaires maristes 2023

MMS 05-29 September 2023

MARIST MISSION STUDIES 5 – 29 September 2023 Ranong, Thailand Report from Fr. Hermes Sabud, SM The aim of the Marist Mission Studies (MMS) 2023 was to "Inflame the passion for Marist mission" among the participants. The specific objectives are as follows: 1.Bring together younger Marists from different parts of the world of the Society of Mary. 2.Engage in creative reflection and study what it means to be a Marist missionary in today's context. 3.Create a space to learn from the Marist mission experiences of the participants. 4.Provide Marists with opportunities to deepen and nourish their passion for the mission of the Trinity. The participants of MMS 2023 were: 1.Fr. George Baruk...

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Laudate Deum - Summary / Laudate Deum – Un sommaire

Laudate Deum - Summary

Source: Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice:https://www.jcfj.ie/2023/10/04/laudate-deum-summary/ Posted on October 4, 2023 by Kevin Hargaden - Economic Justice, Environmental Justice, News, Poverty & Inequality News, Theology The Origin Story Eight years ago, Pope Francis published one of the most important works of environmental thinking in history, Laudato Si'. Praised by religious and secular figures alike, it had an immediate and lasting impact. It was written to engage the scientific, political, and religious communities – addressed really to "every living person on this planet" (§3) – and to summon us all to a renewed commitment to "care for our common home". Laudato Si' are the op...

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