Peace with Creation - Paix avec la création - Paz con la creación

Peace with Creation - Paix avec la création - Paz con la creación

Season of Creation 2025 Theme Presentation - Peace with Creation.                             Français & Español - ver abajo Isaiah 32:14-18 "For the palace will be forsaken, the populous city deserted; the hill and the watchtower will become dens forever, the joy of wild asses, a pasture for flocks. Until a spirit from on high is poured out on us, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest. Then justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness abide in the fruitful field. The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness, and tr...

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Une communauté mariste accueillante - A Marist welcoming community

Une communauté mariste accueillante - A Marist welcoming community

La communauté mariste du 104, rue de Vaugirard à Paris, une communauté d'accueil                 Traduction anglaise ci-dessous René Godard sm La communauté mariste de Paris est dispersée entre quatre lieux du centre de la capitale française. Quatre Pères vivent au 104 de la rue de Vaugirard, dans le 6ème arrondissement. Deux autres, le Provincial et l'Économe provincial, au 89 de la rue du Cherche-Midi, à proximité. Une cour intérieure permet de circuler d'un bâtiment à l'autre. Les trois autres Pères vivent dans un autre quartier de la ville, au 68 rue des Plantes dans le 14ème arrondissement. Deux sont dans un foyer-résidence pour personnes âgé...

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Hope does not disappoint / L'espoir ne déçoit pas

Hope does not disappoint / L'espoir ne déçoit pas

A Reflection: Spes Non Confundit           Traduction française ci-dessous Fr. Hermes Bajao Sabud, SM Inspired by: The presentations during the gathering, seminar-workshop of Priests, Religious and Lay Leaders Led by: Bishop Paolo Trairong Muntree Diocese of Suratthani, Thailand 12 - 14 February 2025 As I reflected on the different presentations during this seminar, I couldn't help but think of our brothers and sisters who are suffering right now. The people in Myanmar, who are suffering from the cruelty of the political turmoil in the country, are right in front of our eyes. The vulnerable people in the Middle East are living in fear and struggling to survive d...

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Bénévole au secours populaire / Volunteer for popular relief

Bénévole au secours populaire / Volunteer for popular relief

Bénévole au secours populaire Jean-Yves Denizet sm                                                                                     English Translation see below Je suis arrivé à Paris dans la communauté du 104 en 2012. Je désirais vivre une mission qui tienne compte de mon parcours. Un ami m'a recommandé de devenir bénévole au secours populaire. Depuis plus de 10 ans je me rends tous les lundis et jeudis, pendant 2 heures. Ma principale activité consiste à collaborer avec une ...

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Burma/Myanma A Marist Retrospective / Birmanie-Myanma Une rétrospective mariste

Burma/Myanma A Marist Retrospective / Birmanie-Myanma Une rétrospective mariste

Introduction                                                                                                         Traduction française - voir ci-dessous "We are deeply shocked and saddened." Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon and President of the Episcopal Conference of Myanmar, expressed his deep sorrow and that of the entire Church for the brutal murder of Fr. Donald Martin Ye Naing Win - 44 years of age, which oc...

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Marist Formation-Tutu, Fiji / Formation Mariste-Tutu, Fidji

Marist Formation-Tutu, Fiji / Formation Mariste-Tutu, Fidji

The Oceania Marist Project of Tutu Rural Training Centre (TRTC), Taveuni, Fiji, recently concluded its annual staff seminar on high note, marking the beginning of a transformative journey for six new staff members. The seminar provided an opportunity for deep reflection, learning and alignment with TRTC's vision* and mission. * The week began with a three-day retreat focused on Marist Spirituality, allowing new and existing staff to immerse themselves in the foundational values of humility, simplicity and service. This was followed by two days of formation, emphasizing the significance of enfleshing TRTC's vision and Mission in daily operations and community engagements. A Highlight of the s...

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Myanmar Migrants in Ranong, Thailand. Migrants du Myanmar à Ranong, Thaïlande.

Myanmar Students Meditating at MAF / Des étudiants du Myanmar méditant au MAF

Myanmar's ongoing conflict can be traced back to the British colonial era (1824-1948), during which ethnic tensions were exacerbated through a "divide and rule" strategy. Following independence, a lack of national unity led ethnic minorities such as the Karen, Kachin, and Shan to establish armed groups advocating for autonomy. The situation deteriorated after a military coup in 1962, resulting in an authoritarian regime that centralized power and suppressed dissent. This protracted conflict has transformed Myanmar into a battleground between government forces and ethnic armed groups, with severe repercussions for civilians (Human Rights Watch, 2023). In February 2021, the military overthrew ...

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Turn Debt to Hope - Transformez la dette en espoir

Turn Debt to Hope - Transformez la dette en espoir

The theme of this Jubilee Year is: "Hope does not disappoint". Fr Ted Keating SM - USA - writes the Introduction for us on the Project of Caritas International inviting us to Sign the Petition for unjust Debt Cancellation.       Traduction française ci-dessous Introduction We are happy to see that the Jubilee Year called forth by Pope Francis includes significant attention to the debt crisis in our contemporary global world. It is being shared here by Caritas and then by Pax Christi International with an invitation to other groups that are interested. Three strategic goals are listed by Caritas below. An article in The New York Times last month reported that more than 17 ...

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356 Hits

LSi Marist Project-Yaoundé - Projet Mariste LSi - Yaoundé

LSi Marist Project-Yaoundé - Projet Mariste LSi - Yaoundé

Resilience and Sustainability: The Laudato Si' Project's Mission in Yaounde                          Traduction française - ci-dessous In the heart of Nkoloman, Yaounde, lies the Laudato Si' Project, a promising agricultural initiative dedicated to sustainability and community empowerment. Spread across five hectares of land owned by the Marist Fathers of the District of Africa, this project has been steadily growing over the past 12 years. Seven years ago, it adopted the name "Laudato Si'," inspired by the encyclical of Pope Francis, which emphasises the importance of caring for our planet and living sustainably. The proj...

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Marist Mission Workshop 2024 / Atelier Mission Mariste 2024

Marist Mission Workshop (MMW), Thailand (2024)                                                   Traduction française ci-dessous Inter Religious Inter Cultural Dialogue: Diversity Enriches Community :   Bro. Rubel Raphael Nokrek, fms "Peace in One's Heart Starts in One's Hands," said one of the Buddhist Monks. It was a wonderful experience for me to participate the Marist Mission Workshop (MMW) in Ranong, Thailand last month from Sep. 04- Sep. 27, 2024. The program was organized by the Marist Fathers who is known as the 'Society of Mary (SM)' with the pu...

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                                                                                                                                                 Traduction française ci-dessous On the 8th November, 2024 I attended an Interreligious seminar on Safeguarding and Ecological Conversion (Laudato Si) at the Fatima Rani Church, Bag...

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Appel pour la paix en Terre Sainte / Appeal for Peace in the Holy Land

Appel pour la paix en Terre Sainte / Appeal for Peace in the Holy Land

Appel pour la paix en Terre sainte de 200 chrétiens européens de toutes confessions           English Translation: see below "Au cours de l'année écoulée, nous avons été témoins de l'escalade tragique d'une grave crise humanitaire qui continue d'affecter d'innombrables vies. Le 7 octobre 2023, plus d'un millier d'Israéliens ont été tués lors d'une attaque menée par des factions dirigées par le Hamas, et plus de 250 personnes ont été prises en otages. En réponse, Israël a lancé une opération militaire qui a fait de nombreuses victimes, avec près de 42 000 morts à Gaza. Les deux communautés souffrent profondément. La crise humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza s'...

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A Christmas Carol - Secular Redemption? / Un chant de Noël – Rédemption laïque ?

A Christmas Carol - Secular Redemption? / Un chant de Noël – Rédemption laïque ?

Many will recall Alistair Cooke's weekly Letter from America—for 58 years the longest-running speech radio show in the world. Each twelve-minute talk blended insight, whimsy, and effortless spontaneity. In his BBC broadcast prior to Christmas Day 2003, Cooke explained how Charles Dickens wrote his most famous story A Christmas Carol.       Traduction française ci-dessous In 1843. Dickens, aged 31 and England's most famous novelist, intended to start a novel on the factory slums created by the Industrial Revolution especially in England's north. To prepare, Dickens toured the cities there; he was depressed by the squalor, wretchedness, and moral degradation of the inhabita...

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Vanuatu at the Hague - consequences for humanity / Vanuatu à La Haye - conséquences pour l'humanité

Vanuatu at the Hague - consequences for humanity / Vanuatu à La Haye - conséquences pour l'humanité

Fr Ted Keating SM USA sent this article in recent days from the New York Times: 05 Dec 2024 A Landmark Court Case - Vanuatu                                           Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Judges in The Hague are weighing what, exactly, international law requires countries to do about global warming. The most important climate case that a lot of people haven't heard about is playing out this week and next at the International Court of Justice. The court, based in The Hague, adjudicates disputes between nations and issues advisory opinions on big international legal is...

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Kiwi Marists reflect on "wicked problems" / Les Maristes Kiwis réfléchissent aux « épineux problèmes »

Kiwi Marists reflect - Les Maristes Kiwis réfléchissent

SMNZ JPIE Hui November, Pukekaraka 2024 Recently a small group of Marists gathered at Pukekaraka marae, Ōtaki, Aotearoa/New Zealand. We are the Justice, Peace and Integral Ecology group for the SMNZ Province. We share a common concern for all the "wicked problems" that exist in our world today ie., war, inequality, the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, pollution, populist-authoritarian leaders, racism, colonization, sexism, ageism, housing, drug abuse etc. We are an ordinary bunch of Kiwi men with many years of ministry in various fields, overseas and here in Aotearoa. We reflected, prayed and ate together at Pukekaraka, our Marist Marian Shrine. We reflected on this period that many ...

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Marist Interreligious & Intercultural Workshop / Atelier Mariste Interreligieux et Interculturel

Marist Interreligious & Intercultural Workshop / Atelier Mariste Interreligieux et Interculturel

MARIST MISSION WORKSHOP   ON INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE     Traduction française - voir ci-dessous Fr. Hermes Sabud, SM             4 – 28 September 2024 Ranong, Thailand Goal: "Enkindle missionaries' passion for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue" (IRICD) Specific Objectives of the Marist Mission Workshop (MMW) 2024 in the context of IRICD Be competent and capable missionaries in today's diverse world.Collaborate with and strengthen the bonds among religious missionaries.Integrate our past experiences and our future hopes as religious missionaries. The Marist Mission Workshop 2024 on Interreligious and Intercu...

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Global Debt – Africa’s Call to Change Tax Rules: Dette mondiale - L'Afrique appelle à changer les règles fiscales

Global Debt - Africa Calls to Change the Rules / Dette mondiale - L'Afrique appelle à changer les règles

Global Debt – Africa's Call to Change Tax Rules:                                                                 Traduction française ci-dessous Fred Njehu, Pan-African Political Strategist.  Greenpeace Africa <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> Recent statistics show that global public debt has reached a record $97 trillion. [1] This means that 3,3 billion people, more than 40% of the world's population, live in countries where their governments are forced to spend more on public debt interest payments, than ...

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Interfaith - Saigon - Marist influence / Interconfessionnel - Saigon - Influence mariste

Interfaith - Saigon - Marist influence / Interconfessionnel - Saigon - Influence mariste

INTERFAITH DIALOGUE AND SELF-DIALOGUE                                            Traduction française - voir ci-dessous (Sr Maria) Minh Tien, RNDM The 14th Interfaith Reunion, hosted by the Archdiocese of Saigon on Sunday, October 27, 2024, was a vibrant gathering that brought together a rich tapestry of diverse religious representatives. The inclusive event included participants from Baha'i, Cao Dai, Islam, Minh Ly, Buddhism, Hoa Hao Buddhism, and Catholicism. The theme, 'Dialogue Connecting People,' served as a unifying thread, weaving through the well-set program, divided int...

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Climate Change-Oceania-Bishops Statement - Part 2 / Changement climatique-Océanie-Déclaration des évêques - Partie 2

Fiji-times-daily-reality / Fidji-times-daily-réalité

Oceania Catholic Bishops Key Statements      -            Traduction française ci-dessous Fossil Fuel Root Cause of Climate Change The Oceania Catholic Bishops concur with science by reminding the world that fossil fuel is the key driver of climate change. Fossil fuels causes carbon emission which in turn contributes to global warming. Global warming melts the ice and causes sea level rise. The root cause of climate change is fossil fuels. Therefore, the Oceania Bishops strongly say NO TO FOSSIL FUEL. The solution is to seek alternative sources of power. Weak Commitments Towards the Paris Agreement The Oc...

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373 Hits

Climate Change-Oceania-Bishops Statement / Changement climatique-Océanie-Déclaration des évêques

Climate Change-Oceania-Bishops Statement / Changement climatique-Océanie-Déclaration des évêques /

We the Catholic Bishop's Conference of the Pacific speak from the Oceania to communicate the prophetic and pastoral voice of the Churches and the vulnerable voices of peoples' regarding the threats of climate change. The Oceania Context Our home, Oceania includes the three island sub-regions of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, plus Australia and New Zealand. Our home is made up of 14 independent countries and approximately 10,000 islands. Our Oceania home has around 43.2 million people which makes up about 0.54% of the world's population. Our Oceania home is vulnerable from two main threats, namely climate change and economic exploitation and both have destructive impacts on the environ...

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