I was Sick and you took Care of me

"I was Sick and you took Care of me" [Matt 25: 36]  This is the Second Reflection from the Solidarity Commission of the European Province.  Translations below are in French and Spanish. God the Father, in sickness you let us experience the vulnerability of frail creatures: Bestow upon us abundantly your compassion. Jesus Christ, Son of God, sustain us in times of illness and help us carry your burden. Holy Spirit, we pray to be restored in moments of weariness, that we might ourselves become instruments of your loving mercy.  [Francis: XXVIII World Day of the Sick, 11 February, 2021] Constitutions: Sick and Elderly "The call (of the Marists) is to be truly missionary...

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2155 Hits

Laudato Si Goals and Action Plan

Laudato Si Goals and Action Plan

Peter Healy sm, writes this Report on the recent Webinar for Marist Family: The Dicastery for Integral Human Development recently presented a webinar for the Marist Family on the Laudato Si Goals and Action Plan. The presenter was Salesian priest Fr. Josh Kureethadam. At the beginning of his presentation he talked about St Francis hearing the call of God to rebuild and repair the Chapel of St Damiano and eight centuries later another Francis (Pope Francis) is sharing with us an equally profound call, to go and repair our common home. Laudato Si reminds us that human life is grounded in three fundamental intertwined relationships: with God, our neighbor and our planet home. Within these ...

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29995 Hits

Marist Family - L Si - 7 Yr Action Platform

Invitation to join the 7 Year Journey

Marist Family members, from all branches of the Society, from all around the world, attended a Laudato Si Webinar on 11 February.  The Rev. Dr. Joshtrom Kureethadam is Coordinator of the Sector of "Ecology and Creation" at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. He is also Chair of Philosophy of Science and Director of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. His most recent books include Creation in Crisis: Science, Ethics and Theology (Orbis Books, 2014), The Philosophical Roots of the Ecological Crisis (Cambridge Scholars, 2017), The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si' (Liturgical Press, 2019).  ...

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3273 Hits

Contemplative Marist Living

Contemplation - the energy source

Contemplative Marist Living comes to us from Fr Justin Taylor sm:   Karl Rahner famously wrote: 'The Christian of tomorrow will either be a mystic or won't be Christian at all.' Perhaps we could adapt Rahner's saying: 'The Marist of tomorrow will either be a mystic or won't be Marist at all.' In case anyone gets frightened off at this stage by the word 'mystic', let us substitute the word 'contemplative', taken in the sense intended by the General Chapter of 2017, when it stated in its Declaration on the Mission of the Society of Mary Today (n. 4): 'As Mary pondered the Word, so are we called to a life of contemplation, centred on the Eucharist, bearing fruit in service within...

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1864 Hits
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Cycling for Children

Br Charlie - Cycling for Children

Ride on, Br Charlie!     [This article is from Ron Nissen sm, long-time cycling companion of Charlie] Charlie Randle and cycling go back a long way. Brisbane-born Charlie's earliest memories include racing down the hills of Bulimba on a two-wheeled tricycle. Yes, the Randles could not afford a bicycle so Charlie and his brother, Tom, would take off one of the trike's wheels in order to race their neighboring children with real bikes.  In teenage years Charlie and Tom commenced competitive cycling, culminating in winning Queensland's State Tandem championship in 1963 and placings in Australia's national titles. Charlie was 23 years of age and already a budding and talented...

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1963 Hits

Recycling - Mexican Border

Recycling-on the Mexican Border

Fr Tony O'Connor sm writes to us from Brownsville, USA, on the Mexican Border:  RECYCLING ON THE UNDERSIDE AND OVER THE GREAT DIVIDE:     Introduction: It is difficult to write in this time of political transition. Biden's Agenda priority on migration reform will need time. Hopefully the culture will change slightly and gradually, and compassion and some executive orders lead to more moderation. The "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (D.A.C.A) order will increase help to younger ones brought here to the US when they were kids. COVID properly tackled should gradually allow the border to open fully and maybe asylum seekers will be permitted to cross the bridges o...

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2504 Hits

Marists Refugees and Migrants

Migrants, Refugees, Marists

Br Ivan Vodopicec sm is Chair of the SM Solidarity Committee Europe. We introduce today the first of 4 Reflections they have prepared on Marists and Solidarity. The theme is Refugees and Migrants - "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" - Matt 25:38. These Reflections are available also available in Spanish and French [see below] and can be obtained from Br Ivan at   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      "Marists attend especially to the most neglected, the poor,  and those who suffer injustice."  (MARIST CONSTITUTIONS No.12)        SONNY'S TESTIMONY               A refugee from Nigeria where he almo...

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2728 Hits

Sustainability Covenant - SM

The Sustainability Covenant is the work of the Marist Ecological Commission , adopted by the SM General Council, 29 September 2020. This document is a Sample , to be adapted and implemented according to what is locally possible. It is available below also in French, Spanish, and Italian. [Scroll down in that order].  Preamble: This Covenant sets down for the Society of Mary practical steps towards the creation of a life sustaining world. Care of our common home is an intrinsic part of living the gospel today. We take inspiration and direction from Laudato Si 'and GC2017. Marists do the work of "Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, who now cares with maternal affection and pai...

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2218 Hits

Contemplation - New Year

Contemplation - Energy for Mission

Christmas and New Year have provided us with the opportunity to pause, to watch, and to wonder at the event of the Word continuing to be made Flesh in our time.  Perhaps we have found ourselves pondering with Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Magi at the unfolding of a Revelation among us that draws us to wonder, to encounter, to hope, and to be replenished with a new Divine-given energy.  With the Divine energy, the gift of Contemplation, we are in union with the One Who is calling us to mission - to heal the wounded world - in the year ahead.  When we encounter this One, we are able give from the Source and we are renewed in the giving, [wher...

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2034 Hits
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Dadirri-Christmas-Deep listening

Dadirri- Aboriginal Christmas

  Dadirri - Deep Listening - is a Gift of the Indigenous People of Australia. This post is the work of Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann - an artist, a tribal elder and Principal of St Francis Xavier School, Nauiyu, Daly River, N.T. Paul Sullivan sm, Australian Marist, worked with the Aboriginal People for many years, and recommended this essay. [Permission has been sought to publish it]  Dadirri - A Reflection By Miriam - Rose Ungunmerr- Baumann NGANGIKURUNGKURR means 'Deep Water Sounds'. Ngangikurungkurr is the name of my tribe. The word can be broken up into three parts: Ngangi means word or sound, Kuri means water, and kurr means deep. So the name of my people means 'the Deep Water...

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3656 Hits

The World, the Church, & the Marists

Joshtrom Kureethadam SDB - Integral Human Development

Gaudete Sunday: and a couple of us Marists attended a Laudato Si Circle Eucharist in the Gardens of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart here in Rome.  This monthly Eucharist is organized by the Global Catholic Climate Movement  Our celebrant today was Fr Joshtram Kureethadam sdb ,  coordinator of Ecology and Creation at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development    On of Fr Josh's responsibilities is to spearhead the Laudato Si 7-year Roll Out Plan, due to be formally launched on 24 May 2021, and of which we Marists plan to be a part, to fulfill a goal of our 2017 General Chapter, n.47:  'to create a program for an a...

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2781 Hits

Educating Young Immigrant Leaders - Ranong

Marist Team and Graduates Ranong - ACU

An historic Day, 05 December, for young Myanmar Immigrants in Thailand. The Graduates in our photo, Left-Right, in this report is from our Marist Asia Foundation Project in Ranong on the Thai - Myanmar border, are  Tint Zaw Lin, Thet Htar Oo, May Thazin Oo, Yoon Thiri, Soe Myat Tun. They have graduated with a Certificate in Teaching and Learning Graduation.  Special Congratulations to this first group of Teachers at Marist Asia Foundation to complete the Australian Catholic University Certificate in Teaching and Learning. Wonderful to be able celebrate your achievement together. Thanks to our ACU Professors back in Australia for sending your messa...

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2659 Hits

Living Dialogue with the Māori People

Christianity comes to NZ

Phil Cody sm, writes from Aotearoa / NZ on his experience of living amongst, and working with Indigenous Māori People and Culture over many years.  In our Care for Common Home, Pope Francis calls us to listen to, dialogue with, and learn from the Indigenous Peoples of the world, "Here are some personal reflections on twenty-five years living with and ministering alongside Māori in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. A lot of that has come from studying at a local Māori University [Te Wānanga o Raukawa] and relating to Māori involved. How can we engage with Māori Spirituality? What are some of the points of dialogue that emerge. Māori have a spirituality that is integrated with life. Everything from ...

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3448 Hits

Which Soul of the Nation?

3-month old Asylum Seeker

Fr Tony O'Connor sm writes from Brownsville, Mexico Border: Here, fear of the effects of COVID on self and loved ones, its restrictions on a free and easy life, are leading to consequences in MENTAL HEALTH. At the same time like in the novel "Gulliver's Travels where half the people crack their egg at the big end and another half at the small end, we have a country completely polarized as if the two halves live in two different worlds, one party standing for the lives of migrants, and against kids in cages, escaping certain death in their homeland; the other for the rights of the unborn; one in a seemingly "dog eat dog" seeking a raw POWER grab "in contrast to the other espousing the ol...

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2634 Hits
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Marie Françoise Perroton - Oceania Legacy

Marie Francois Perroton a Pioneer of the SMSMs

Marie Francoise Perroton left France for Oceania on 15th November 1845.  The accounts below are from her Legacy - the SMSM Sisters - Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary - and the work in Oceania today in regard to the Season of Creation.   Jean Claude Colin, Marist Founder, passed away on the same day, 15th November 1875.    "Let us rejoice that our loving Creator sustains our humble efforts to care for the earth, which is also God's home …" These closing lines of Pope Francis' Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation have led us to ask our Sisters to share with us here in Australia some of the concerns, challenges and efforts to cope w...

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3183 Hits

Marists- L Si - Atlanta

Cardinal Gregory-as Archbishop in Atlanta

 Fr Jim Duffy sm, writes from OLA Parish, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A:    A Beginning In the Fall of 2012, fifteen parishioners from Our Lady of the Assumption Church (OLA) in Atlanta, Georgia gathered in the parish library to begin a comprehensive study and prayerful discussion of the Church's rich body of teachings on social justice. The group used materials designed by Just Faith Ministries, an organization that provides resources to help people respond to the Gospel's call to love, peace and justice for all. Over the course of 30 weeks the group read several books on Church teaching, engaged in lively discussion, and prayed together. As the weeks progressed discussio...

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3044 Hits

Islam-Christian Dialogue in France

Fr Olivier Laurent sm - Interfaith-Toulon-France

Fr Olivier Laurent sm, Toulon, France, has been engaged in Islamic-Christian, and other Inter-religious Dialogue Initiatives for many years.  Toulon is 150 km from Nice, where recent terrorist killings took place. At a time of heightened tensions in France, and on the world scene, we have this encouraging report sent by Fr Paddy O'Hare sm, in community with Olivier.    Olivier Laurent lived in Senegal for 30 years, a country 90% Muslim, where the Christian community has become well integrated. For ten years he took part in a project to improve the living conditions in Dakar's disadvantaged areas with a team that was 70% Muslim. He then spent four years at the Forum 104 in...

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2851 Hits

Marists Ecological Education - Toulon, France

Students-St Josephs-La Cordeille-Toulon

Fr Paul Walsh sm writes from Toulon:  INSTITUTE OF SAINT JOSEPH, LA CORDEILLE,  is a very large educational establish on a large campus on the outskirts of Toulon. It comprises, among other elements – a technical and ordinary high school (lycee ), full secondary school with specializations, full primary and infant schools. It also offers post high school for public examinations for entry into elite third level institutions. The school is one of three schools in the Toulon area under the aegis of the Marist Tutelle (umbrella organization responsible for all 7 educational establishments in France for which the SM is responsible). There are about 2,400 pupils enrolled. The school...

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3327 Hits
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Marist Ecology - Tutu

Planting Nitrogen-fixing trees

Fr Petero Matairatu sm, Director of Marist Training Centre, Tutu, Fjii, sends this Report:     INTRODUCING SUSTAINABLE COMMERCIAL FARMING SYSTEMS AT TUTU AND IN ITS CATCHMENT AREA Soil Health Soil health is still Tutu's main priority for sustainable expansion of the formation of self-employment training for youth in agriculture. With the lessons learned from the previous soil school program, Tutu has integrated soil health into its course for the formation of young farmers and its staff. The continuous covering of Tutu land with mucuna beans, kaliyandra, drala and bainicagi as nitrogen fixing trees have helped the formation of Tutu's participants as custodian of the land. The ...

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2352 Hits

Cook Islands - Laudato Si

Cook Island Children - Cosmopolitan

+Paul Donoghue sm, Bishop of the Cook Islands, former Provincial of Oceania Marist Province, sent this Article during the Season of Creation:  The Diocese of Rarotonga is one of those places where the document "Laudato Si" has gathered dust on the book shelf for 5 years. The excuse is that themes from Rome come a bit too quickly and it takes more time to do them justice than Rome allows. For example we spent nine months on the Extraordinary month on Mission in 2019 rather than just one month. We were finishing this theme keen to be joyful missionary disciples when our churches were closed for COVID-19. We moved into the reality of the Domestic Church - a church operating in families wit...

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2921 Hits