Deep Resurrection

F138-harrowing-hades-resurrection-jesus-christ-pascha-legacy-icons__11805.1499801977 Alpha & Omega - New heavens and new earth

"Deep is calling on deep" - these words from Ps 42:7 help us appreciate the Paschal Mystery at the heart of the unfolding universe.  Science informs us of Deep Time, and Deep Space. Faith informs us of God at work in the ultimate, and deepest ways, in these created mysteries. 'Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, all time belongs to him, and all the ages. By his wounds  we have been healed" - These words from the Easter Vigil invite us to celebrate the Deep Presence of the Word from Beginning to End, and to live in and through the Presence of Christ Risen, as daily we make our humble contribution in brining about a new creation.

Thursday: Deep Hospitality tenderly serves the needs of  our  deepest  hungers for intimacy. 

  Friday: Deep Solidarity accompanies all human and created suffering and death;

Saturday: Deep Descent harrows hell and restores the lost; 

Sunday: Deep Resurrection conquers death, and calls forth a New Heaven and a New Earth;

Every day: Deep commitment calls on us to humbly play our part, in and with the Risen One.

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Transforming Mary's Grove - Monte Alto Brazil
Laudato Si - Marists in Africa

Comments 4

Guest - Lewis Molloy s.m. on Sunday, 04 April 2021 23:36

Thank you Ben. Easter Greetings!! You are in my prayer daily!!

Thank you Ben. Easter Greetings!! You are in my prayer daily!!
Ben sm on Monday, 05 April 2021 16:32

Thank You Lou, and given where you are in your life's Journey at this stage, your prayer hold a special potency! Keeping you in thought and prayer too, for the home leg.

Thank You Lou, and given where you are in your life's Journey at this stage, your prayer hold a special potency! Keeping you in thought and prayer too, for the home leg.
Guest - Ron Nissen on Monday, 05 April 2021 04:30

Some deep and gentle thoughts for the week! Thank you, Ben.

Some deep and gentle thoughts for the week! Thank you, Ben.
Guest - Tarquam McKenna on Thursday, 08 April 2021 10:53

Dear Ben. Thank you for this prayer. I am reminded of the First People of Australia concept of ‘dadirri’ and this implies a quality of deep listening we can live from. With appreciation

Dear Ben. Thank you for this prayer. I am reminded of the First People of Australia concept of ‘dadirri’ and this implies a quality of deep listening we can live from. With appreciation
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