World - on highway to climate hell

world-climate-hell World on the way to climate hell

Ross Flint, Marist Associate, and ordained member of the Anglican Communion, Tasmania, sends this short, stark, report – in the context of COP27

"World is on 'highway to climate hell",  - United Nations General Secretary warns at COP27 summit.

António Guterres tells leaders 'global climate fight will be won or lost in this crucial decade – on our watch'

In 1992, countries joined an international treaty, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as a framework for international cooperation to combat climate change by limiting average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, and coping with impacts that were, by then, inevitable.

This is the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP) and after all the gatherings, the talking and listening along with resolutions made at these international gatherings, what impact has been made to reduce carbon emissions?

A picture is worth a thousand words

The following graph reveals that despite all of the COP meetings and the dire warnings given by the IPCC, there has not been any deflection from the continuing increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Recent Daily Average Mauna Loa CO2     November 11, 2022: 417.95 ppm    November 03, 2021:414.36 ppm

The commonly accepted and safe region is 350 ppm

The graph shows monthly mean carbon dioxide measured at Mauna Loa Observatory,1 Hawaii. The carbon dioxide data on Mauna Loa constitute the longest record of direct measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere.

As António Guterres said, we are on a 'highway to climate hell with foot on the accelerator'.

1 Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) is located in Hawaii. The observatory is a premier atmospheric research facility that has been continuously monitoring and collecting data related to atmospheric change since the 1950's.


Editor's note:It seems to me that, as Christians we must do at least two things:

1. Take heed of the warning of Jesus: "As it was in Noah's day, so will it be when the Son of man comes…. "Matt. 24:37f

2. Join a group of believers and practitioners who are serious about 'ecological conversion' which we are called to, and act on it. e.g.: Sowing hope for the planet:   or Laudato Si action platform:

António Guterres - United Nations Secretary General

 « Le monde est sur une autoroute qui mène à l'enfer climatique »

Ross Flint, Mariste associé et ministre ordonné de la communion anglicane, nous envoie de Tasmanie (Australie) ce texte bref d'une grande force, dans le contexte de la COP 27.

« Le monde est sur une autoroute qui mène à l'enfer climatique », avertit le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, devant le sommet de la COP27

António Guterres a déclaré aux dirigeants du monde que « le combat pour le climat serait gagné ou perdu au cours de cette décade cruciale, selon notre vigilance ».

En 1992, un certain nombre de pays ont convenu de signer un traité international, la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC), schéma pour une coopération internationale en vue de lutter contre le changement climatique, en limitant la hausse globale des températures moyennes, et donc les changements qui en résultent dans le climat, et par là faisant face à des répercussions qui étaient alors inévitables.

Voir l'histoire de la Convention-cadre en français :

Nous en sommes à la 27ème conférence des parties à cette convention (COP), et après toutes ces rencontres, les discours et ce que l'on a entendu des résolutions qui ont été prises lors de ces rencontres internationales, quel résultat a-t-on obtenu pour réduire les émissions de carbone ? Un schéma parle plus qu'un millier de mots.

Le graphique suivant montre qu'en dépit de toutes ces réunions des COP et des avertissements sévères émis par le Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) (en anglais IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), il n'y a eu aucune inflexion de la croissance des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Taux de CO2 atmosphérique mesuré à l'observatoire de Mauna Loa (Hawaï) (*)

CO2 (ppm)


Voici des moyennes quotidiennes récentes de CO2 à Mauna Loa :

11 novembre 2022 : 417,95 ppm

3 novembre 2021:414,36 ppm

La valeur de sécurité communément admise est de 350 ppm

Le graphique montre le taux de dioxyde de carbone relevé à l'observatoire de Mauna Loa, Etat d'Hawaï. La série de données sur le dioxyde de carbone recueillie par cet observatoire constitue l'enregistrement sur la plus longue durée de mesures des taux de CO2 dans l'atmosphère.

Comme le dit António Guterres, nous sommes sur une 'autoroute qui mène à l'enfer climatique,avec le pied sur l'accélérateur'. Voir le texte bilingue français anglais du Secrétaire général :

La phrase citée est en anglais : 'on a highway to climate hell with foot on the accelerator', traduction française de la rédaction.

(*) L'observatoire de Mauna Loa est l'un des plus importants centres de recherche sur l'atmosphère. Il a collecté des données relatives au changement dans la composition de l'atmosphère depuis les années 1950.


NDLR : Il me semble qu'en tant que chrétiens nous devons faire au moins deux choses :

1.Tenez compte de l'avertissement de Jésus : "Ce qui arriva au temps de Noé arrivera de même quand le Fils de l'homme viendra…. "Mat. 24 :37f

2. Rejoignez un groupe de croyants et de pratiquants qui sont sérieux au sujet de la « conversion écologique » à laquelle nous sommes appelés, et agissez en conséquence. ex : Semer l'espoir pour la planète :   Laudato Si action platform :

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Peace-making: a Marist effort
Our Sister - Mother Earth

Comments 2

Guest - Paul Walsh on Monday, 21 November 2022 07:34

Ben and Ross, thanks for keeping our minds focused on this critically important question and its urgency. I suspect the results of COP27 leave many of us seriously concerned about the seriousness of the current situation and questioning the seriousness of our leaders in facing upto it. Your presentation of this message is stark. The links to platforms that are coordinating responses to it are particularly helpful and timely. I do hope this blog will be followed up by some positive messages and testimonies. The risk is that we be caught up in a cycle of despair ... or, as some of the people I meet around me, feeling that the message coming across from those actively involved in promoting an ecologically responsible consciousness is to leave us all feeling guilty! Keep plugging away. We need the reminders ... and the message of hope ...

Ben and Ross, thanks for keeping our minds focused on this critically important question and its urgency. I suspect the results of COP27 leave many of us seriously concerned about the seriousness of the current situation and questioning the seriousness of our leaders in facing upto it. Your presentation of this message is stark. The links to platforms that are coordinating responses to it are particularly helpful and timely. I do hope this blog will be followed up by some positive messages and testimonies. The risk is that we be caught up in a cycle of despair ... or, as some of the people I meet around me, feeling that the message coming across from those actively involved in promoting an ecologically responsible consciousness is to leave us all feeling guilty! Keep plugging away. We need the reminders ... and the message of hope ...
Ben sm on Tuesday, 22 November 2022 07:10

Thank You Paul, I agree, we all have to motivate each other with a genuine hope: to do what we can, where we are, with who we have. I have a firm hope that the grass-roots movements will win the day eventually with the politicians. As for the corporate bodies - I think they will only change when they find they can make a better profit from non-polluting and non-toxic energy sources - hopefully too, that will happen. Peace....

Thank You Paul, I agree, we all have to motivate each other with a genuine hope: to do what we can, where we are, with who we have. I have a firm hope that the grass-roots movements will win the day eventually with the politicians. As for the corporate bodies - I think they will only change when they find they can make a better profit from non-polluting and non-toxic energy sources - hopefully too, that will happen. Peace....
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