Jeunesse et technologie Youth & Technology

SM-Yaoundé - Entry-to-Postulancy-Technology SM-Yaoundé - Entry-to-Postulancy-Technology

This week's post comes from Yaoundé, Cameroon. In "Le rameau de Noël" (the Christmas Twig) the students at St Peter Chanel House explain their everyday life, share in their reflections and feelings as they are in progress and discernment on their way with Christ, following the Marist inspiration. It was kindly communicated by Fr Yvan Carré sm, the Superior of the community.

L'article de cette semaine nous vient de Yaoundé, au Cameroun. Dans leur journal intitulé "Le Rameau de Noël", les étudiants de la Maison Saint Pierre Chanel rendent compte de leur cheminement, pour un discernement vocationnel, en suivant l'inspiration mariste. Ce texte a été aimablement communiqué par Yvan Carré sm, le supérieur de la communauté.

Technology, broadly speaking, is "the study of the tools, processes, and methods used by different branches of industry." According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, it is study and practical knowledge, especially for the industrial use of scientific findings. New technology encourages young people to become proficient with smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. We are aware that the evolution of technology is very beneficial to us, human beings, for several reasons. What then is its special significance for us young people?

La technologie, d'une manière générale, est « l'étude des outils, processus et méthodes utilisés par les différentes branches de l'industrie ». Selon le Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, c'est l'étude et la connaissance pratique, spécialement pour l'utilisation industrielle des découvertes scientifiques. La nouvelle technologie encourage les jeunes à acquérir la maîtrise des smartphones, tablettes, ordinateurs, etc. Nous avons conscience que l'évolution de la technologie nous est très bénéfique, à nous, êtres humains, et cela, pour plusieurs raisons. Quelle est donc son importance particulière pour nous, les jeunes ?

Il y a beaucoup de raisons qui font que les jeunes sont attachés aux nouvelles technologies. Leurs avantages sont évidents, la technologie facilite la communication et la mobilité, elle permet les vidéoconférences, l'échange en ligne (télétravail, télé-commerce depuis chez soi), elle permet de suivre des cours en ligne, d'adresser des messages à nos amis, d'avoir une consultation médicale de chez soi, et bien d'autres possibilités. Elle nous permet de travailler plus vite, elle réduit aussi le niveau de pollution en limitant les voyages quotidiens. L'usage de l'ordinateur et d'internet fait disparaître les limites de temps et d'espace, pour plus d'efficacité.

There are many reasons why young people are attached to new technologies. Their advantages are obvious, technology facilitates communication and mobility, it allows videoconferencing, online exchange (teleworking, tele-commerce from home), it makes it possible to follow online courses, to send messages to our friends, to have a medical consultation at home, and many other possibilities. It allows us to work faster, it also reduces the level of pollution by limiting daily travel. The use of the computer and the Internet eliminates the limits of time and space, for more efficiency.

Mais en plus du bon côté de la technologie, il y a aussi son côté négatif. L'utilisation courante des nouvelles technologies n'est pas sans conséquences négatives pour la santé. Leur mauvais usage provoque : les douleurs dans le pouce liées à la pratique du texto, les troubles du sommeil, l'addiction, le syndrome de la vision sur écran d'ordinateur. C'est une fatigue de l'œil qui est souvent accompagnée de maux de tête, de troubles de la vision. Elle mène à la « nomophobia » (non-mobile-phone-phobia), c'est-à-dire un état de manque qui se manifeste quand une personne ne peut avoir accès à son téléphone portable. Bien plus, elle peut provoquer un détachement de la vie réelle, qui a pour conséquence de supprimer le contact humain.

But in addition to the good side of technology, there is also its negative side. The current use of new technologies is not without negative consequences for health. Their misuse causes: thumb pain related to texting, sleep disorders, addiction, computer screen vision syndrome. It is an eye fatigue that is often accompanied by headaches, visual disturbances. It leads to "nomophobia" (non-mobile-phone-phobia), i.e. a craving that occurs when a person cannot access their mobile phone. Moreover, it can cause a detachment from real life, which results in the suppression of human contact.

Après avoir envisagé les deux aspects des effets secondaires de la technologie, comment pouvons-nous l'utiliser mieux, pour notre bien-être ? Voici quelques indices : compartimenter l'usage des réseaux sociaux, laisser moins de place à la distraction, faire du sport, faire un tour dans la nature, se lever et bouger au bout d'une heure, et finalement créer davantage de liens avec les monde extérieur.

Having considered both aspects of the side effects of technology, how can we use it better, for our well-being? Here are some clues: compartmentalize the use of social networks, leave less room for distraction, play sports, take a walk in nature, get up and move after an hour, and finally create more bonds with outside world.

Au-delà de ses bons et de ses mauvais côtés, qu'est-ce qui donne son importance et sa raison d'être à la technologie ?

-L'importance de la technologie : les techniques d'information et de communication (TIC) facilitent la formation dans les divers cadres de vie, spécialement à l'école, dans la vie collective, sur le lieu de travail. La capacité à se servir des TIC est nécessaire pour prendre sa place de manière active dans la société.

Beyond its good and its bad sides, what gives its importance and its raison d'être to technology?

-The importance of technology: information and communication techniques (ICT) facilitate training in the various settings of life, especially at school, in collective life, in the workplace. The ability to use ICT is necessary to take an active place in society.

-Sa raison d'être : la technologie a plusieurs finalités et usages. Elle facilite la communication entre les acteurs sociaux, fait circuler l'information utile pour l'activité économique dans les zones rurales, permet d'améliorer les services existants et d'en créer d'autres.

En bref, la technologie est pour les jeunes un mal nécessaire, certainement avantageux mais fragile et non sans risques.


- Its purpose: technology has several purposes and uses. It facilitates communication between social actors, circulates useful information for economic activity in rural areas, makes it possible to improve existing services and create new ones.

In short, technology is a necessary evil for young people, certainly advantageous but fragile and not without risks.


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Comments 3

Guest - Philippe Cody on Sunday, 12 February 2023 19:22

Vraiment intéressant

Vraiment intéressant Merci
Ben sm on Monday, 13 February 2023 04:46

Good morning Ben,

I have just read this week’s JPIC blog.

It just so happens that this weekend Judy and I viewed Richard Foster’s final public address that he gave in 2018 as he approached retirement. He highlighted 4 issues of concern and that are of great importance for the advancement of our spiritual formation, the first being that of modern technology.

I have copied this part of the address below. It can be viewed (if you so wish) on this link.

Richard J. Foster — Casting a Vision: The Past and Future of Spiritual Formation

Go to: 19:47 - 25:25 on the video.

Challenges We Face Today That Did Not Exist Forty Years Ago
Up to this point I have shared with you issues that were equally true forty years ago when I first penned Celebration of Discipline. The need for the growth of the soul was true then and it is true now.
It is now time for us to consider issues that present new challenges to our people today that did not exist forty years ago. I have four areas of concern here.
1. Our Technological Revolution
Perhaps the most obvious change from forty years ago is the explosion of information technologies in our day. Back when I wrote Celebration, the Internet was barely on the horizon. “Cookies” were for eating. “Having a virus” meant we were sick. Hackers were unheard of. But now we have computers we can hold in our hands or strap to our wrists.
This technological revolution is not unlike the explosion of information that was produced by Gutenberg and his movable type in the fifteenth century. The big difference between these two revolutions is that today the changes are coming at us with lightning speed.
And all this emailing and texting and tweeting have created one challenge that does indeed impinge upon the spiritual life. I can state this challenge in one word: distraction. Distraction is the primary spiritual problem in contemporary culture. Frankly, when we are perpetually distracted, we are unable to discern the Kol Yahweh, the voice of the Lord.
Oh for the day when all we had to do was turn off the TV if we wanted solitude and silence! Now we click through an endless stream of Internet links, read tweets from God knows who, check email constantly, text family and others, and mindlessly scroll through Facebook.
Even more insidious are the ways we are bombarded by the broad distractions of constant noise, constant demands, constant news. Everyone, it seems, wants us to be accessible 24-7 and to respond instantly to any and every request. If we delay answering an email for even an hour or two, people become worried that something is wrong with us. Neuroscience studies are now showing us that the neural pathways of our brains are being rewired accordingly, so that our physical capacity for sustained attention is decreasing.
We, of course, complain endlessly about our wired world. But—let’s be honest—we do enjoy our technological gluttony.
So we need a discerning, life-giving technological asceticism. I work on these matters in my new foreword to the fortieth-anniversary edition of Celebration, so I’ll let you read about it in the book. I did learn one thing this past week. If we will fast from food periodically it will help to temper the spirit of constantly grasping for control, and this will make it easier for us to fast from technology now and again.
Peace and grace to you,


Good morning Ben, I have just read this week’s JPIC blog. It just so happens that this weekend Judy and I viewed Richard Foster’s final public address that he gave in 2018 as he approached retirement. He highlighted 4 issues of concern and that are of great importance for the advancement of our spiritual formation, the first being that of modern technology. I have copied this part of the address below. It can be viewed (if you so wish) on this link. Richard J. Foster — Casting a Vision: The Past and Future of Spiritual Formation Go to: 19:47 - 25:25 on the video. Challenges We Face Today That Did Not Exist Forty Years Ago Up to this point I have shared with you issues that were equally true forty years ago when I first penned Celebration of Discipline. The need for the growth of the soul was true then and it is true now. It is now time for us to consider issues that present new challenges to our people today that did not exist forty years ago. I have four areas of concern here. 1. Our Technological Revolution Perhaps the most obvious change from forty years ago is the explosion of information technologies in our day. Back when I wrote Celebration, the Internet was barely on the horizon. “Cookies” were for eating. “Having a virus” meant we were sick. Hackers were unheard of. But now we have computers we can hold in our hands or strap to our wrists. This technological revolution is not unlike the explosion of information that was produced by Gutenberg and his movable type in the fifteenth century. The big difference between these two revolutions is that today the changes are coming at us with lightning speed. And all this emailing and texting and tweeting have created one challenge that does indeed impinge upon the spiritual life. I can state this challenge in one word: distraction. Distraction is the primary spiritual problem in contemporary culture. Frankly, when we are perpetually distracted, we are unable to discern the Kol Yahweh, the voice of the Lord. Oh for the day when all we had to do was turn off the TV if we wanted solitude and silence! Now we click through an endless stream of Internet links, read tweets from God knows who, check email constantly, text family and others, and mindlessly scroll through Facebook. Even more insidious are the ways we are bombarded by the broad distractions of constant noise, constant demands, constant news. Everyone, it seems, wants us to be accessible 24-7 and to respond instantly to any and every request. If we delay answering an email for even an hour or two, people become worried that something is wrong with us. Neuroscience studies are now showing us that the neural pathways of our brains are being rewired accordingly, so that our physical capacity for sustained attention is decreasing. We, of course, complain endlessly about our wired world. But—let’s be honest—we do enjoy our technological gluttony. So we need a discerning, life-giving technological asceticism. I work on these matters in my new foreword to the fortieth-anniversary edition of Celebration, so I’ll let you read about it in the book. I did learn one thing this past week. If we will fast from food periodically it will help to temper the spirit of constantly grasping for control, and this will make it easier for us to fast from technology now and again. Peace and grace to you, Ross
Guest - Paul Frechette SM on Friday, 17 February 2023 20:06

Superb reflection! Thank you for this, and thank Didier especially for all of us.!

Ben, Superb reflection! Thank you for this, and thank Didier especially for all of us.!
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