Ministry to Street Children, Dakar - Senegal

4-Reinsert-3 Seeking the lost - bringing them home

Fr Roger Kasiama sm [on the right in the picture below] writes from Dakar - Senegal, on the Marist Ministry of Family and Social Reintegration for Children in Street Situations:  

Street actions are frequent visits by animators to various known drop-off points where street youth gather. They make it possible to keep in touch with the youth, to make sensitizations, to practice care on the spot and to give a practical help if necessary…

Nazareth Wednesday's

These days are reserved for the welcoming of young people in the Nazareth center, in the continuity of street-actions. The focus is on the well-being of children, a great family atmosphere during this day, better sensitizations, more & deep listening sessions and young people's awareness of their conditions…

Mediation, Re-integration in Family, and Following Up:

The mediations represent a time of preparation of the family to the return of the child. In fact, it addresses, in depth, the problems updated to allow the best possible reintegration of children. Once this stage is over, organize the return of the young, accompanied by two or three animators depending on the case.

Finally, the need for regular contact with children and their families is consolidated by follow-ups, telephone calls and visits to places where resettled children reside in order to continue the support.

Reinsertion Camps or Ndadje 

A "Ndadje" (camp) is a group of of street children / youth are brought to a place of residence, far from cities, for at least 10 days ; at the end of this event at least 90% of them will have, with their own free will, returned in their family. During the Ndadje, these children are divided into small groups that will constitute families ; each family is led by animators who will play the role of fathers or mothers. To live in harmony, a code of life in the camp is established by the children in synergy with the animators. The camp responds to the child's need for adventure, learning, awareness and hygiene. It requires discipline, team spirit, self-control, willingness and endurance.

In an environment of joy, cheerfulness and especially sharing, the campers organize the life of the camp around activities such as: sensitizations, talks (group of words), games, singing class, family life, physical and sports activities (APS), technical and manual activities (ATM), interviews (listening), others and care.

All activities are designed to create a family environment in order to trigger in every child the break with some old habits learned on the street and the desire to return living with his family. The "ndadje" itself is not a isolated activity : it is part of a big process of accompanying these children in the educational, health and civic framework.

Father Roger Kasiama This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel : (+221) 77 7989931

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Comments 1

Guest - Paul Frechette on Sunday, 28 June 2020 21:22

Most impressive and inspiring, Fr. Roger!!!

Thank you!!

Most impressive and inspiring, Fr. Roger!!! Thank you!!
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