Mary - support of the Church

images-2b Marist - support the Church
To support the Church and the Pope is at the heart of our Identity as Marists. Our founder, Jean Claude Colin, in the founding days of the Society of Mary, understood Mary to have said 'I supported the Church at its birth; I shall do so again at the end of time' [C.2]. Following in the footsteps of those who began the Marist Project, we are determined to fulfil Mary's desire to be 'a support for the Church in these uncertain times' [C.5].We are called to do this with all our strength [C.6]. Fortunately for us Pope Francis is a Prophet as well as an Administrator, and so we find it a joy and a strength to support and defend him, and to encourage his vision and action to flourish.
A way of viewing Francis' Vision and Call, is to see Evangelii Gaudium as his Vision and Call for the Church; Laudato Si as his Vision and Call for an Integral Ecology; and Fratelli Tutti as his Vision and Call for an Integral Humanity. His launching of the Synodal Way for the whole People of God, 10th October, a unique event and first of its kind, is his Call to us, the whole People of God, to walk together this path of encounter, of listening, and of discerning which will culminate in the Synod of Bishops in 2023. 

A few weeks ago our Superior General and Council decided to sign the Pledge of Commitment for the Laudato Si Action Platform This is a commitment to walk with and support the People of God, and all good People in our world, to find strategic ways to develop and live an Integral Ecology – so crucial at this time for the future of our planet, all people, and all created species of life in our common home.

Yesterday, at our General House Community meeting, we decided to sign this same Pledge of Commitment as a Community, and we selected two community members who will guide us in this process: so that we in our particular time and place can find ways to make our contribution in developing a healthy planet and a healthy people. A few steps we have taken in recent years have been to develop a rain harvesting system to water our gardens; to install solar panels on our roof; and recently to live without a car. 

We have also committed ourselves to praying daily for each of the 7 groups who are being called on this Journey to play their part in the 7 Year journey, which will now begin this year on November 14th, to achieve the 7 goals of Laudato Si. These Prayers are for Parishes and Dioceses, for Families, the Economy, Hospitals, Educational Institutions, Groups and Organizations, and Religious Orders.These Prayers are available in 9 Languages; and on the same site the Pledge of Commitment can be found in three languages.

Our call to personal holiness [C.10] must also include Francis' Call to social and political love: so that our lives are committed to bringing about the reign of God in the world he loves so much that he continues to be made incarnate here through our co-operation.

As these words are being written CoP15 - the Conference of the Parties on the Convention of Biological Diversity, is being held in Kunming, China, 11th-15th October. This conference must come with a concrete plan to reverse biodiversity loss and put nature on the path to recovery. This includes concrete measures to stop the extinction of species and protect 30% of land and 30% of seas by 2030.

Then from 31st October to 12th November the UN CoP26 – the Climate Change Confreres of the Parties - will be held in Glasgow. Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican head of State, who has led world leaders this week in Rome at the Faith and Science Conference, will be representing Pope Francis.

Let us pray for these events, with Mary, mother of the new creation, that faith, hope, and love will prevail. 

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Comments 10

Guest - Pete Healy on Sunday, 10 October 2021 21:18

Buongiorno Ben great essay & wonderful to have such solid leadership from the top & centre ...inspiring 🙏

Buongiorno Ben great essay & wonderful to have such solid leadership from the top & centre ...inspiring 🙏
Ben sm on Monday, 11 October 2021 07:35

Great to be on the Journey together, thank you Peter!

Great to be on the Journey together, thank you Peter!
Guest - Donato Kivi.Sm on Sunday, 10 October 2021 23:55

Vinaka Ben, great article! Thanks for sharing!

Vinaka Ben, great article! Thanks for sharing!
Ben sm on Monday, 11 October 2021 07:36

Thank You Donato - and blessings on your Great Work there in Fiji! Belated Blessings for Fiji Day!

Thank You Donato - and blessings on your Great Work there in Fiji! Belated Blessings for Fiji Day!
Guest - Paul. FRECHETTE on Monday, 11 October 2021 01:38

Beautifully done Ben! Thank you. An excellent paradigm for all of us in local communities and apostolates!

Beautifully done Ben! Thank you. An excellent paradigm for all of us in local communities and apostolates!
Ben sm on Monday, 11 October 2021 07:36

Thank You Paul for your encouragement - its a joy to be on the Journey together!

Thank You Paul for your encouragement - its a joy to be on the Journey together!
Guest - Godlove Ngwese sm on Tuesday, 12 October 2021 19:17

Thanks Ben for this well written piece of work. I greatly admire the few simple steps taken in order to put into practice Laudato si. It's through the multiplication of such actions that a great impact is made. In fact more of such actions are carried out here in Casa di Maria and in other Marist's communities such as separating rubbish into plastics,metals,glass and organic dirt. The later is sometimes used to make manure which is used to feed the various plants we have all around our various communities. Courage to us as we support the Church through our various small ways just like Mary!

Thanks Ben for this well written piece of work. I greatly admire the few simple steps taken in order to put into practice Laudato si. It's through the multiplication of such actions that a great impact is made. In fact more of such actions are carried out here in Casa di Maria and in other Marist's communities such as separating rubbish into plastics,metals,glass and organic dirt. The later is sometimes used to make manure which is used to feed the various plants we have all around our various communities. Courage to us as we support the Church through our various small ways just like Mary!
Ben sm on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 08:03

Thank You Godlove - great to see what you and the community are also doing at Casa di Maria!

Thank You Godlove - great to see what you and the community are also doing at Casa di Maria!
Guest - Paul Walsh on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 07:58

Thanks Ben ... a very helpful synthesis. Would i be possible to have itas a word document, to keep it on file? I find it very useful when there are so many things coming at us all the time, to beable to refer to adocument which cntains the necessary references and reminders ... thanksagin, for keeping us all focused

Thanks Ben ... a very helpful synthesis. Would i be possible to have itas a word document, to keep it on file? I find it very useful when there are so many things coming at us all the time, to beable to refer to adocument which cntains the necessary references and reminders ... thanksagin, for keeping us all focused
Ben sm on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 08:03

Thanks Paul, yes, certainly, I will send you the word doc! Blessings on your good work there!

Thanks Paul, yes, certainly, I will send you the word doc! Blessings on your good work there!
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