By Ben sm on Tuesday, 05 January 2021
Category: Ecology

Sustainability Covenant - SM

The Sustainability Covenant is the work of the Marist Ecological Commission , adopted by the SM General Council, 29 September 2020. This document is a Sample , to be adapted and implemented according to what is locally possible. It is available below also in French, Spanish, and Italian. [Scroll down in that order]. 


This Covenant sets down for the Society of Mary practical steps towards the creation of a life sustaining world. Care of our common home is an intrinsic part of living the gospel today. We take inspiration and direction from Laudato Si 'and GC2017. Marists do the work of "Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, who now cares with maternal affection and pain for this wounded world". [i]


  1. We will live the Spirit of the Society authentically by attending to our way of life and how it impacts on our personal life, our community life, and our planet home.
  2. We will integrate this care into our living of our vowed life as Marists.
  3. We will reflect carefully on the new perspectives and urgent appeals before us in Laudato Si and GC 2017 recognizing our responsibility to care for the Earth and the poor of Earth in the way we live.
  4. We will acknowledge the urgency of the climate crisis and act with the required integrity.
  5. We will confirm creation-centered elements of our faith and spirituality, acknowledging the whole of creation as a gift and promise and under the care of Mary mother of the New Creation. We will pray and act as co-creators and guardians of this world redeemed in the Incarnation, Death and Resurrection of Christ.
  6. We confirm and welcome the new corporal and spiritual work of mercy, "care of our common home" (Pope Francis 2016)


  1. Each community will draw up a guide of practical suggestions which will utilize life sustaining practices with a focus on energy use, travel, food, waste and water use, and other practical issues according to the local situation, and available resources.
  2. A "sustainability animator", someone who leads by encouragement and example, can be nominated in each community.
  3. Spending time in nature, in the form of reflection, gardening and its associated activities, is encouraged as a life-giving, homemaking spiritual practice.
  4. We will encourage employees and colleagues, in our various Marist projects, to take action in their lives to complement our own sustainability commitments.
  5. As communities and as a Province we will discuss ways of measuring our carbon footprints and look towards reducing them over time.
  6. The community sustainability covenant will be reviewed annually, at the special community meeting held to review and plan their religious and apostolic life. [C.176]
  7. Review: see F.

[i] Laudato Si n.241

Pacte de Vie Durable- Échantillon

(Texte de la Commission écologique SM, adopted by the Conseil Général, 29.09.20)


Cette charte établit pour la Société de Marie des étapes pratiques vers la création d'un monde durable.Prendre soin de notre maison commune fait aujourd'hui intrinsèquement de la vie selon l'Évangile.Nous nous inspirons et nous nous laissons conduire par Laudato si 'et GC 2017.Les Maristes font l'œuvre de "Marie, the Mère qui a pris soin de Jesus, prend soin desormais de ce monde blessé avec affection et douleur maternelles" (Laudato Si 'n.241)


1. Nous living authentically l'esprit de la Société de Marie en nous occupant de notre mode de vie et de son impact sur notre vie personnelle, sur notre vie communautaire et sur notre planète.

2. Nous intègrerons ce souci dans la manière de vivre notre vie consacrée mariste.

3. Nous réfléchirons attentivement aux nouvelles perspectives et aux appels urgents que nous retrouvons dans Laudato si ' et en GC 2017 , reconnaissant notre responsabilité de prendre soin de la Terre et des pauvres de la Terre dans notre façon de vivre.

4. Nous reconnaîtrons l'urgence de la crise climatique et agirons avec l'intégrité requise.

5. Nous confirmerons les éléments de notre foi et de notre spiritualité centrés sur la création en reconnaissant l'ensemble de la création comme un don et une promesse et sous la garde de Marie, Mère de la Nouvelle Création.Nous prierons et agirons en tant that co-creators et gardiens de ce monde racheté par l'Incarnation, la Mort et la Résurrection du Christ.

6.Nous confirmation and saluons cette nouvelle work of miséricorde corporelle et spirituelle: «prendre soin de notre maison commune» (Pape François 2016)


A. Chaque communauté elaborates a program of concrete suggestions in utilizing the practices qui soutiennent la vie: in focus on the consommation d'énergie, les déplacements, la nourriture, les déchets et l'utilisation de l'eau, et d'autres pratiques questions, based on the local situation, and available resources.

B. An «animateur de vie durable» - quelqu'un qui mène par encouragement et exemple - but être nommé dans chaque communauté.

C. Passer du temps dans la nature, for reflection, the gardening and the activites which are in the interests of being enchanted by a spirituelle pratique which promises the old life and the construction in chez-soi

D. We encourage employés and collègues, give us different projects maristes, to agir dans leur Fri for complete we offer engagements in Vue d'une Fri durable.

E. As long as communautés and as many provinces, nous discussions des moyens pour mesurer notre empreinte carbone et nous chercherons à la reduire au fil du temps.

F. The charter of the durable communautaire will be examined after the année, the special communautaire meeting devoted to the examination and to the planning of the old religious and apostolic of the communauté. [C.176]

G. Bilan et revue: voir F.

Pacto de sostenibilidad - Muestra

(Trabajo de la Comisión Ecológica, aprobado por el Consejo General 2020.09.29)


Este pacto establece para la Sociedad de María pasos prácticos hacia la creación de un mundo sustentador de vida. El cuidado de nuestra casa común es una parte intrínseca de vivir el Evangelio hoy. Nos inspiramos y nos orientamos en Laudato si 'y CG 2017. Los maristas hacen el trabajo de "María, la madre que cuidó a Jesús, ahora cuida con afecto y dolor materno este mundo herido." [1]


1. Viviremos el Espíritu de la Sociedad de forma auténtica estando atentos a nuestra forma de vida y cómo impacta en nuestra vida personal, comunitaria y en nuestro planeta-hogar.

2. Integraremos este cuidado en nuestra forma de vivir nuestra vida de votos como maristas.

3. Reflexionaremos detenidamente sobre las nuevas perspectivas y los llamamientos urgentes que tenemos ante nosotros en Laudato si' y CG 2017 reconociendo nuestra responsabilidad en el cuidado de la tierra y de los pobres de la tierra en la forma en la que vivimos.

4. Reconoceremos la urgencia de la crisis climática y actuaremos con la integridad requerida.

5. Confirmaremos elementos de nuestra fe y espiritualidad centrados en la creación, reconociendo la creación entera como don y promesa y bajo el cuidado de María madre de la Nueva Creación. Oraremos y actuaremos como co-creadores y guardianes de este mundo redimido por la Encarnación, Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo.

6. Confirmamos y acogemos la nueva obra de misericordia corporal y espiritual, el "cuidado de nuestra casa común" (Papa Francisco 2016)


[1] Laudato Si´ n.241


(Testo della Commissione Ecologica SM, adottato dal Consiglio Générale, 29.09.20)


Questa carta stabilisce per la Società di Maria delle tappe pratiche verso la creazione di un mondo che sostenga la vita. Prendersi cura della nostra casa comune è parte intrinseca del vivere il Vangelo oggi. Noi prendiamo ispirazione e ci facciamo guidare dalla Laudato Si' e dal CG 2017. I Maristi compiono l'Opera di Maria, "la madre che ebbe cura di Gesù, e ora si prende cura con affetto e dolore materno di questo mondo ferito" (Laudato Si', 241).


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