By Ben sm on Monday, 09 September 2019
Category: Peace

Season of Creation - A Prayer

God of Deep Time,

God of the ever-expanding universe,

God of Light of the Supernovas, and of the Darkness of the Black holes of our Universe,

God who Resurrected Life after 5 mass extinctions of earth,

God who knew us before we were born, and gave us our name and our place in this Universe,

You know our predicament at this point in time,

You gave us a mind to discern the signs of the times:

The disruption in climate,

The loss of biodiversity, and the fragility of our future,

The fear of the stranger and the protection of borders to keep out our brothers and sisters.

Darkness is not dark for You, and night is as clear as the day.

In you we place our trust.

Show us how to think, and what to do, to provide a future for all life on planet earth.

May we be enlightened by your Eternal Word, through whom all things were created, and who holds all things in being.

Who became flesh and dwelt among us, drank from his mother's breast, ate the foods of the earth, and drank from the rains of heaven.

Who brought healing and a new beginning to all who were afflicted and distressed.

Who died and rose again, so that in him all may be restored to you: God of Life and Love.

We believe in You, we hope in You, we entrust ourselves, our planet, all life on earth, and our future to you.In your name, and the name of you Son, Jesus Christ, God-with-us.Amen.

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